Mr Terry Connell
Direct Communications
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
Dear Mr Connell
Thank you for your letter dated 12 January 2005 on behalf of the Prime Minister. It may assist if I clarify the situation as there may be some confusion. I have sent two letters, each with enclosures.
The first dated 24 November 2004 was on the subject of Codes of Practice which I described as a Conman’s Charter. It cited Shell’s Statement of General Business Principles as an example of how an unscrupulous management can cloak itself in fine words promising honesty, integrity and openness, while simultaneously engaging in cover-up and deceit e.g. the reserves scandal which has destroyed Shell’s reputation. One has only to read the report on the Wall Street Journal website today about Shell’s latest steps to rebuild its reputation to realise the immense scale of the damage. Shell is equated in the article with “other scandal-ridden companies”. I note that the letter was forwarded to the Department of Trade & Industry which seems appropriate.
The second letter, dated 6 January 2005, raised the issue of how Shell made a mockery of the fundamental right in our country to a fair trial. The Shell SMART trial was sabotaged by deception, intrigue and intimidation BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the trial. I attach a copy of a related self-explanatory email circulated to all Members of Parliament within the last few days and a revised version of the “Judges Comments” in which I have now inserted my own comments. My hope is that the influence of the Prime Minister may assist in obtaining answers from the Department of Constitutional Affairs which seems to be the appropriate department given the slogan on their letter headings: “Justice, rights and democracy”. I am seeking confirmation that my rights as a UK citizen participating in a civil trial are equal to that of a multinational: a level playing field in the court room. Thus far, citing Separation of Powers, the DCA has brushed aside the legitimate questions I have raised. If this claim was to hold, it would mean that an unelected Judiciary is the ultimate power in the land not our democratically elected government.
Yours sincerely
Alfred Donovan
cc. Mr Bob Russell MP
Enclosures: Revised “Judges Comments; email circulated to MP’s January 2005
Mr Justice Laddie, “JUDGES COMMENTS” made on 6 July 1999.
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